Yaku Tsuu - Noroi no Game is the second horror adventure published by Idea Factory (the first one was Yaku - Yuujou Dangi. The game is supervised by manga creator Hideshi Hino (a Japanese manga artist who specializes in horror stories. His comics include Hell Baby, Hino Horrors, and Panorama of Hell. He also wrote and directed two of the Guinea Pig horror movies which were based on his manga: Flower of Flesh and Blood, which he also starred in, and Mermaid in a Manhole)
Genre: | Adventure |
Release Month: | 2 |
Release Year: | 1997 |
Developer: | Axes Art Amuse |
Publisher: | Idea Factory |
Serial: | SLPS-00689 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |